The winner will be the representative for Miss Pennsylvania at the Miss Teen USA 2009 pageant.
The 27th Miss Teen USA beauty pageant, will be held sometime in the summer of 2009, in a venue to be announced soon.
Contestants for the 2009 Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA Pageant
01 Emily Barker | 02 Mackenzie Victoria Bart | 03 Danielle Leigh Bechtel | 04 Tristalyn Bixler-Kint |
05 Olivia Blandina | 06 Caitlyn C. Bomberger | 07 Calsie Marie Boyd | 08 Amy Burak |
09 Kylie Richelle Cochran | 10 Chelsey Lynn Colosimo | 11 Sarah Cornell | 12 Natalie DiZio |
13 Kelly Marie Dugan | 14 Kelsey Marie Fanelli | 15 Haley Feaster | 16 Alexandra Feerrar |
17 Chelsea Frederick | 18 Katie Gajewski | 19 Karissa Grossman | 20 Maria Hanson |
21 Amber Hedgeman | 22 Kayla Hudak | 23 Kelly Inlander | 24 Alexis Jahnke |
25 Kayla Kedzior | 26 Reilly Kidwell | 27 Jocelyn Kurtz | 28 Alexis Kuzma |
29 Kelsey Leigh Landy | 30 Taylor Lively | 31 Sophia Medairy | 32 Lexi Mitchell |
33 Amy Parekh | 34 Julia Pauline | 35 Theresa E. Peterson | 36 Kelly Polaha |
37 Hannah Schultheis Rullo | 38 Brandi Showers | 39 Emily Slawek | 40 Jessica Stachelrodt |
41 Jayde Swayne | 42 Kristen Taylor | 43 Ashley Valentin | 44 Casey Ann Vance |
45 Nicolette Ann Ventura | 46 Liz Vertosick | 47 Brittany Wiegreff | 48 Carissa Wilson |
49 Megan Winebrenner | 50 Kaitlyn Zellers |
* Road to Miss Teen USA 2009
* Official website : Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA
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