Miss Bendu Teta Parker is Miss Liberia 2007/2008. She was born on January 7, 1986.
Her Education
Miss Parker graduated from the Lott Carey Baptist Mission High School, in Broadville, in 2003 and enrolled at the African Methodist Episcopal University from where she graduated with a Barchelor of Arts Degree in Sociology in 2007.
Her Career Goal
Being a Humnaitarian and a lover of the well being of people in general and "women and children" in particular, Miss Bendu Teta Parker would love to attain a career as a Human Rights Lawyer.
Her Goals and Aspirations
Miss Parker, in the nearest fututure, would love to see 100% unity and Democracy amongst African States; she prays for the reduction of poverty on the continent and would strive to see each Liberian young boy and girl has access to world class education.
She aspires to see every Liberian get access to good health care delivery system and hopes to impact the lives of many young people in which ever positive means possible.
Thank you & credit : misslib.com
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